Twitter Motorcycle Accident Report Any information submitted here will be treated with the utmost consideration, compassion and privacy. Please do your best to ensure you have all the required information, before submitting this Crash Report. Information about you This is just to contact you if we need more information; we will not use this to incriminate/implicate you or anyone else, nor will your details be made public. First Name * Mobile Number * Email Address * Information about the accident Please complete each field below, as it is that important. Crash Date * Time Period * Select... 6am-9am 9am-12pm 12pm-3pm 3pm-6pm 6pm-12am 12am-6am Crash Type * Select... MVC (Motorcycle & Vehicle) MOC (Motorcycle Only) MPC (Motorcycle & Pedestrian) MAC (Motorcycle & Animal) Bike Type * Select... Sport Cruiser Adventure Scooter Street Delivery Touring Other Rider Status * Select... Injured Fatal Uninjured Rider Gender * Select... Male Female Rider Age * Select... 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 Unknown Passenger Status * Select... No Passenger Injured Fatal Uninjured Passenger Gender Select... Female Male Passenger Age Select... 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 Unknown Location * Province * Select... GP NW ZN LP MP EC WC FS Road Type * Select... Urban (in Town) Rural (outside Town) Freeway Road Condition * Select... Clear Wet Gravel Potholes Oil/Diesel Traffic Condition * Select... Normal Heavy Weather Condition * Select... Clear Rain Cloudy Mist EMS on Scene Photo/s Add Photos/ Please upload an appropriate photo or two of the crash scene, with respect and consideration to any victims. Comments/Observations * Add any additional information on the possible cause of this crash, street names, or elaborate on your selections above.