Listed below are the specialist courses offered by the Motorcycle Safety Institute. Over the years we have and will continue to make every effort to bring our course offering closer to you; where there’s a demand, we will go. Also, visit the Academies & Riding Schools page and contact the one/s near you to enquire about their Course Offering.
- Riders who have successfully completed both the Advanced and Skilled Rider Courses qualify for the Skilled Rider Wings; a prestigious award to the committed few.
- When dates are confirmed, bookings can be made using our Online Booking Form.
During the Advanced Rider Course (ARC), you will learn how to control your motorcycle at Urban speed (40 – 60km/h), Rural speed (80 – 100km/h), and Freeway speed (100 – 120km/h) preparing you for various real-life emergency situations and how to reduce risk. The course is geared toward the rider who wants to get better acquainted with his/her motorcycle, learn new life-saving techniques, discover their own abilities under pressure, and explore the limitations of their motorcycle. Here a Chief Instructor coaches you to safely and effectively manipulate your motorcycle to at least minimise risk or injury.
The ARC should be considered when you purchase a new motorcycle, never attended training at this level, and most certainly after accident, which help boost skill and renew confidence levels. At least 6-8 months (4000km) of regular riding experience is required to effectively complete this course.
Cost: At our facilities near Durban or Pretoria, the cost will be R1500/rider
Theory Session
- Road Safety
- Rider Safety
- Riding Gear
- Motorcycle Safety
Practical Session 1: Urban Speed exercises up to 60km/h
- Stopping: it’s not just a stop
- Braking: Front & Rear Brake when and how
- Counter Steering: 2 ways & the right way
- Target Fixation: to work for you, not against you
- Quick U-turns: no time to get lazy
- Hazard Avoidance: reduce and manipulate
Practical Session 2: Rural & Freeway Speed exercises up to 120km/h
- Counter Steering: you can never get enough
- Emergency Lane Change: avoid at speed
- Stop-n-Go: avoid rear-end
- Emergency Escape: separating swerving from braking
- Maximum Braking: scared of the brakes, are you?
The Skilled Rider Course (SRC) is designed for riders who truly want to learn how to maneuver their motorcycles in limited or confined spaces with skill and confidence. Exercises are done at a near-walking pace and in up to 2ndgear, where you’ll discover and experience proper brake and clutch manipulation, the importance of head-and-eye movement, posture shift, and throttle control for the effective completion of these exercises. This is an extremely rewarding course and the foundation for all USA Motor Cops. At least 8-10 months (5000km) of riding experience is required to successfully complete this course.
Cost: At our Durban facility, the cost will be R1200/rider, but may vary depending on the location elsewhere in the country.
- Control: Clutch, Throttle & Brakes
- Slow Ride
- Inline Weave
- U-Turn
- Keyhole
- Little General
- Figure 8
- Locked Turn from Stop
- Iron Cross
- Brake & Escape
During the Road Captain Course (RCC) you as Road Captain or Ride Officer, will learn how to safely manage and control Motorcycle Mass Rides and Group Rides. This is a specialised course exclusively conducted all over South Africa by Hein Jonker and MSI-Certified Senior Instructors.
With nearly 20 years of experience and in-depth research and development, Hein has developed the Road Captain Guide, now used in South Africa and selected countries around the world.
From theory sessions to the practical range and road sessions, you are guided through the process of riding etiquette, rider and group safety, emergency procedures, marshalling, road rules, and the law. In addition, guidelines are given on Motorcycle Crash Scene Management and the importance of data collection.
Motorcycle Councils, Clubs, Groups, and Chapters are encouraged to send their Road Captains to attend.
Cost: Prices may vary depending on the location. Please contact us for a quote.
- Theory Session on Motorcycle Safety
- Theory Session on Group Riding
- Theory Session on Motorcycle Crash Data
- Theory Session on Marshalling
- Practical Range Session
- Practical Road Session
Road Captains who complete the MSI Road Captain Course will be issued an RC Card for easy verification to fulfil Road Captain duties anywhere in South Africa.
- Road Captains trained and certified through MSI, who lost their RC Card may apply for a re-issue here.
- Road Captain Certification is valid for 5 years and can be renewed through our eRide Platform.
A professional and well-trained instructor plays a vital role in rider skills development and motorcycle safety.
Theory and Range Sessions combined will not only improve your own riding abilities but also teach you to accurately identify riding errors and effectively coach safe motorcycle operations.
You will also be evaluated on your riding and coaching abilities during the course before your final test and grading. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be certified as an M.S.I. Motorcycle Riding Instructor, qualified to conduct the Urban Rider Course anywhere in South Africa.
Further to your qualification as an Instructor, you are welcome to join the MSI Team or operate your own riding school.
This course will be conducted by Hein Jonker, Chief Instructor and expert in the field of Motorcycle Rider Training, Safety, and Manipulation.
Cost: This course is only conducted at our Durban facility at a cost of R6500/rider.
Urban Rider Course
To train and equip the Urban Riders of South Africa and beyond.
- 10 to 14 days of self-study theory before attending the practical training
- 3 to 5 days of practical training
- Theory exam on day 2 or 3
- Evaluation and grading on day 3 or 5
Instructor Requirements
Applicants …
- Are at least 25 years of age or older,
- Have at least 10000km of regular riding experience,
- Have excellent verbal and written communication skills,
- Have excellent social skills with a strong interest in helping other people,
- Have a valid SA or International Motorcycle License,
- Currently operate a motorcycle on a frequent basis, and
- Have a clean record with no possibility of license suspension.
Individuals accepted into the Instructor Training Programme must successfully complete the following:
- A riding skills test to demonstrate riding proficiency,
- A riding instruction course/s conducted by an MSI Chief Instructor,
- A written knowledge test based on the Course Manual and Practical Sessions,
- An evaluation of communication abilities and proficiency at assessing and coaching riders,
- Conduct enough courses to maintain certification,
- Sign an Instructor Pledge.
ATVs (Quad Bikes or Side-by-Side) can be a lot of fun as well as functional. They are used in all types of off-road applications such as farming, security, police and forestry or industrial patrols, and other recreational activities.
The ATV Operator Safety in the Workplace is imperative, and must be taken seriously.
The course is offered to Farming Groups, Forestry, Security Services, and other organisations who need to equip their staff on the safe and effective operation of an ATV. Training is conducted at your location by a qualified and experienced instructor, using your ATVs.
Cost: This will vary depending on the location and duration of the course. Please contact us for a quote.
Please contact Hein directly to enquire.
The ATV Operator Course provides a full-day, hands-on training session which includes:
- Vehicle Safety & Orientation
- Protective Clothing & Safety Accessories
- Pre-ride Inspections
- Mounting & Dismounting
- Vehicle Controls: Steering, Throttle, Gearing (HR, LR, N, R)
- Preventative Maintenance
- Moving Off & Stopping
- Incline: Uphill and Downhill, Forward and Reverse
- Emergency Braking & Swerving
- Weight Shifting: Sitting & Standing
- Weaving: Inline & Off-Set
- Quick Turn & Stop
- Reversing: Weaving
- Quick Stop & Go
- Traverse Riding & Turning
- Navigating Obstacles
- U-turns: Flat and Traverse
- Assessment & Certification