Anybody can ride a motorcycle in a straight line. Here you learn how to ride in a curve. Taking curves is rather a personal choice in terms of selection of entry and exit points as well as speed, it seems to me.
For example, the typical advice I have heard from others is to choose an entry point that allows you to make the curve using the smoothest line through it so that you always have the least lean demand. This, of course, gives you the most ability to compensate your path through the curve should you find a need to do so. It also means that you hit the apex of the curve at about its middle. That is, you enter from the outside edge of the curve, then move towards the inside until you reach its apex, then continue from there outwards until you are once again at the outside of the curve just as you exit it.
I, on the other hand, do not normally do this. I prefer to delay my entry into the curve. That is, I stay on the outside edge well past the normal entry point, then turn much more sharply into it and hit the inside much beyond the normal apex. This gives me two significant (to me) advantages over the ‘smoothest’ course:
I get the lean that I enjoy in the beginning of the curve where I have seen all that I need to see in terms of potential trouble.
When I exit the turn I am traveling at a much-reduced angle relative to the path of the road. That is, since I am closer to the end of the curve when I reach the inside that is the normal apex, I have fewer degrees of the article to go before I am again going in a straight line. Said differently, if the road changes directions by a matter of 90 degrees through a curve, no matter what path you select through it you will have totalled 90 degrees when you are out of it. Since I turn more into the curve at my delayed entry point, I have less left to go to complete the turn when I am near the exit.
By the way, when I said that ‘I stay to the outside edge’ above; I in no way meant to imply that I get close to the line. Far too many people seem to think that they have performed a safe manoeuvre through a curve so long as their wheels do not touch or cross the centre line. WRONG! If any part of your motorcycle crosses that line, including just a grip, you are in the path of oncoming traffic and are in THEIR lane.
In any event, I try to overshoot my entry to a curve. Then I aggressively counter-steer into it and delay reaching the inside of the curve well past its apex. This also, incidentally, allows me to start an aggressive roll-on of my throttle sooner than when I am at the inside of the curve which gives me a better handling bike through the majority of it. I should add that this delayed entry approach requires that you get in the habit of not entering the curve too fast. Further, the right approach speed is one which requires NO BRAKING at entry.
You should use MODEST throttle roll-on all the way through any curve.
If you find that you cross the outside line, ever, then it is time to reassess what you are doing. Approaching the curve too fast? Insufficient confidence to aggressively counter-steer when you need to? Insufficient experience to pick a good line? Acting like riding with friends is a competitive sport? Whatever it is, if you ever cross that centre-line you are riding above your abilities; everyone around you will know it so you’ll need to change something soon.
Otherwise, make sure your relatives know your intentions to the donation of your organs.
Riding through Bends from Motorcycle Safety Institute SA.